Sending messages from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body is the function of the peripheral nerves. 43 pairs of motor and sensory nerves come under the peripheral nervous system. The functions of sensation, movement and motor coordination are controlled by these nerves. There can be damage to these nerves for many reasons. Immediate medical treatment for a peripheral nerve injury is necessary. There will be fewer complications if there are early diagnosis and treatment by a nerve specialist in Panchkula.

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The symptoms of a peripheral nerve injury may be mild or serious, which limit your daily activities. The nerve fibres that are affected have an impact on the type of symptoms you have.

  • Motor nerves: Regulating all the muscles under your conscious control fall under the function of these nerves. Muscle weakness, uncontrollable muscle twitching and painful cramps indicate damage to these nerves.
  • Sensory nerves: There can be varied symptoms as these nerves relay information about touch, temperature and pain. Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet are some symptoms. The other symptoms include trouble sensing pain or changes in temperature, keeping your balance while your eyes remain closed and fastening buttons.
  • Autonomic nerves: Regulating activities like breathing, digesting food and heart and thyroid function, which we cannot control consciously, is the responsibility of these nerves. Excessive sweating, the inability to tolerate heat, changes in blood pressure and gastrointestinal symptoms indicate damage to these nerves.


There can be damage to peripheral nerves due to:

  • Injury from an accident, sports or a fall
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Medical conditions

Hormonal imbalances, tumours and narrowing of the arteries are some other causes.


neuro specialist doctor in Panchkula will carry out a physical and neurological examination. He/she will ask you about your symptoms, any previous injuries or accidents and review your medical history. The doctor will recommend diagnostic tests if he/she can detect signs of a nerve injury during the neurological examination. The diagnostic tests include:

  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Nerve conduction study
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


There are different treatment options. Based on the cause and extent of your injury and its healing rate, a nerve specialist doctor in Panchkula will decide the treatment option.


The surgeon may enlarge the space if a nerve sits inside a tight space (like a tunnel). He/she may also free the nerve from a scar if it gets squeezed by scarring. The surgeon sometimes removes a damaged part of the nerve that is beyond repair and reconnect the healthy nerve ends. From another part of the body, he/she can also take a piece of nerve and implant it in place of the damaged part. If needed, the surgeon transfers tendons from one muscle to another in some cases for restoring function to critical muscles.

Restoring function

The doctor often restores function to the affected muscles with the help of:

  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise
  • Electrical stimulator
  • Braces or splints